We are Dumbbells Lovers

Dumbbells shinning

Dumbbells are the best tool we have in the gym, but not only in the gym can also be used from the comfort of our homes, along with our loved ones, can enjoy such a tool. It is an efficient way to achieve our goals without having to move from our homes.If you love sports and good health this is your website, we will teach you the best ways, exercises and tips to achieve your goals without having to move from the comfort of our homes.

Difference between Dumbbell and Barbell

If not, here we will help you to distinguish one from the other. So that you don’t make the mistake of confusing them which is something very common.
Dumbbells are small weights which are perfect to take advantage of the space in our homes, Barbells require more space because of their long bar and the weights you have to add to.

For more comfort and to regulate our spaces at home, our best recommendation is the Dumbbells, which you can handle more easily from one side to another without having to worry about the spaces, which we already know are a high priority in our homes, the Barbells are not that bad, but as we know they tend to occupy more space and if you live in an apartment or do not have a terrace or patio. You know your living room will be affected by this.

Types and brands of Dumbbells

As we know there are different brands from which we can support one cheaper than the others, also others that can serve us if we are just starting so you do not have to worry on our website we want to guide you in the best way so that your way to the world of fitness is a fun adventure and without worries.

Types Dumbbells

That said, we can start with the dumbbell brands that will be of best use to you if you are just starting out:

1.Best for Beginners: Nice C adjustable

2.Best Adjustable: Bowflex Selectech 560 Dumbbells

3.Best Overall: NordicTrack SpeedWeight Adjustable Dumbbells

4.Best Advanced:Cap Barbell Set

What do to if you never grab a dumbbell?

You’ve been looking at your dumbbells sideways your whole life, as if they weren’t with you, and it’s normal to feel intimidated the first day you step in the gym. “You see people in excellent physical shape and you feel terrible. You can even obsess about everyone looking at you badly. For beginners who are starting from scratch, I often suggest not going to a gym.

Best weight to star your journey with the Dumbbells.?

Yet, what weight do you start with? “For a more established individual, perhaps one kilo is sufficient. Others will have the option to lift five on their first day. Furthermore, the equivalent with the machines: it very well might be 15 or 40, contingent upon the muscle bunches included.

One stunt for understanding what the correct weight is that we can activate in each activity is to do 15 to 20 redundancies and that the last ones cost a ton, however that we can complete them. On the off chance that you don’t get to the last one, you need to put less weight. In the event that you get excessively free, search for a bigger hand weight or raise an opposition level on the machine (for instance, 30 to 40 kilos on the leg press).

Best way to lose Weight with Dumbbells?

Girl in the mirror

How can you lose weight in the easiest way, well of course you just have to find your rhythm and start polishing yourself in the comfort of your home without having to spend long minutes at a gym that will be full, with the right dumbbells and the right weights you will find that it is an easy and fun way to get that body that you have been trying so hard to get all this time.

Dumbbellfor.com is the right site for you. We want to show you exercises, practical and simple which will help you to get that desired body

RACK – the best support for your dumbbells

Taking care of your dumbbells will allow them to always give you the best. There are racks that are offered in many physical and virtual stores that will allow you to position the dumbbells in one place after the routines and then even store them in that rack.

If you have one or more handlebar weights, buy a rack and let this equipment hold them for you.

Best brands of dumbbell racks

Racks for staks

Body Solid, Jardin202, POWRX, DKN, Kettler, OLIVER, Kroon, Bowflex, TNP Accessories, Technogym, Goliton, Sveltus, Epoint, CapitalSports y Cocoarm

PROFESSIONAL HANDS: Exercise like an athlete

We achieve professionalism in many users who perform with high commitment of their careers either in the private or public field, everything we do is surrounded by actions that are executed according to what is learned at some point either in school, high school, university, or in the transit of our life by those roads of the world.Not being so distant from this introduction, when we talk about expert free weights we are basically citing a gathering of outdoor supplies set apart with the last name of experts on account of free weights. An expert hand weight can be of metallic nature, elastic, steel, iron, compounds, what separates them from the others is where they are sold.

What are professional dumbbells?

Professional dumbbells are articles or products manufactured with the highest standards that can be applied to a sports device in view of the fact that all articles for professional use must pass the controls of the various laws applied by the international bodies that regulate the manufacture and sale of all products for sports use and even more so if these products are to be used in national or international sports events, such as the World, Pan-American or European Olympics.

dumbbells in the perfect rack

Quick guide to buying professional dumbbells

All mass consumption items aimed at the population, must comply with rules or laws governing the manufacture and sale of such items. When a product is being manufactured, the process that leads to the final product is monitored internally. To this end, when the raw material arrives at the company, this raw material, in the case of metal, is verified to be free of impurities and is also subjected to a rigorous process to clean it of impurities, the melting and casting in the molds, it must be monitored that the finished product meets the quality control, correct weight, finish, shape, among others, likewise when these products leave the country and go for sale in another country are made strict standardized tests in customs.

The explanation is due to the fact that in order to buy sports goods we must not only listen to our advisors, but also read the same way up to the place of origin of the product. Keep in mind then the following:

1. The origin of the sports product you are going to buy.
2. Characteristics such as the weight, which in the case of dumbbells must be balanced by applying a central or middle point between the ends.
3. The finish of the surface which must be free of surfaces that can injure our skin.
And as in the beginning, if the product was not manufactured in our country, it must have the same permissions granted by customs or the entity in charge of verifying their quality.
4. The best dumbbells are those that are backed by a recognized firm, and to this we must add the following characteristics: resistance, hardness, color, shape, design.
5. The best professional dumbbells are those that are presented with special designs and shapes such as an ergonomic handle, with chrome grooves that allow a perfect grip of the dumbbell.
6. The budget is very important but it is difficult that a professional piece that contains the necessary attributes is cheap but it is a matter of evaluating and deciding, without forgetting that what is cheap is expensive, it is better to spend a little more money than having to invest in another dumbbell when you stop buying a luxury item like a professional dumbbell.